Saturday, June 22, 2024

What Are The Causes Of Legs Feeling Heavy?

 If you are the one who is having the heavy and feels that this is stopping you from performing other activities, then it is necessary to know that you are at the right place in this article; you will be reading about the major things that you have so that you can ease it under the doctor's recommendations, and the process will be super easy. So, keep going and know more about it.

Major Causes of Sclerotherapy

Fatigued Muscles: If you have been standing a lot or active in any way, it is possible that the muscles in your legs are just tired, which is why you're experiencing discomfort.

Lack of hydration: It is also one of the main reasons for muscle weakness and weight loss owing to water loss.

No Physical Exercise: Lack of exercise, therefore, causes muscles to become weak and the legs to feel very heavy.

Gaining Weight: Weight gain also puts more pressure on the legs, making them feel more congested. This plan will probably involve exercise, reducing weight, using compression devices, treating any existing medical conditions with prescribed medications, and making lifestyle changes.

Medical concerns: Health problems like varicose veins, diabetes, or heart problems can lead to the sensation of heavy legs. If you frequently experience these feelings, it's important to consult with a physician and to be familiar with how to treat heavy legs.

How Long After Vein Ablation Do You See Results?

  1. Right after the procedure, your legs might feel a bit sore or bruised, and you might have some swelling. This is normal and usually goes away in a few days to a week.
  2. By the end of the first few weeks, some people may experience a lessening of pain and inflammation. The treated veins might remain discernible, yet they should depreciate over time.
  3. Normally, benefits can be expected in one to three months regarding the look of veins and symptoms such as swelling, pain, and rascality. The veins will continue to become faint, and this plan will flatten.
  4. By six months, you should see the full results. The treated veins should be much less noticeable or even completely gone, and your symptoms should be much better.

It is necessary that you are aware of recovery after vein ablation so that you can live happily without any pain.

In Conclusion

This article has stated that the cause for legs to feel heavy is so that you will recover from every problem that you are having with your legs. It is necessary to treat your heavy legs at the right time so that they won't create any burden on your legs. Following treatment, your doctor will consistently monitor you on a regular basis, as vascular disease is a long-term chronic condition. This might involve regular ultrasounds along with other tests. You can also ask, "Can Veins Get Worse After Sclerotherapy?" in a clear way so that you can have the right guidance in treating it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What is spider vein and varicose vein ablation?

 Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that appear just below the surface of your skin in the lower part of your body. When your vein walls are weak, and your valves aren't working properly, blood backs up in your veins. This causes blue and purple bumps to appear on your legs, feet, or ankles. Many treatment options may work, but varicose veins may come back.

Related symptoms and causes

People may notice other symptoms and causes of leg heaviness. Reporting these symptoms to a doctor is important, as they may help with diagnosis and treatment.


The underlying reason for heavy legs may or may not create other symptoms. Some examples include:


     dullness or numbness in the leg

     throbbing pain in one or both legs

     feeling coldness or tingling in the legs

     as the day wears on, trouble standing or walking


     discoloration of the area, such as the leg becoming blue or pale

As the day wears on, trouble standing or walking, swelling, discoloration of the area, such as the leg becoming blue or pale

What is varicose vein and spider vein ablation?

The vein ablation procedure is minimally invasive, using thin, flexible tubes called catheters or tiny needle injections. The vein expert applies heat or chemicals to the vein using a catheter or needle to cause tissue damage and closure. Three different kinds of ablation techniques exist: 


     Endovenous thermal ablation is a minimally invasive process that involves inserting a tiny catheter into the injured vein. Controlled heat closes the vein while the catheter is pulled out. This procedure is performed in our office.


     Mechanical ablation. It is one of the least invasive vein closure techniques currently available. It involves inserting a small catheter that delivers a safe and effective medication or glue into the diseased vein while removing the catheter. These methods do not require multiple needle pricks; the return to normal activity is immediate. The Clariwin infusion catheter is one type of mechanical agent we use.


     Sclerotherapy. This technique lessens the insufficiency of varicose vein insufficiency and spider veins by using minuscule needle injections of a drug that breaks the vein and is then absorbed by the body. The size and kind of veins determine how many treatments are necessary.   Normal activities may resume immediately. One kind of sclerotherapy agent we provide is Varithena. Your vein specialist will administer a tiny quantity of Varithena by direct injection or catheter. This injectable foam medication helps to close your vein.


     Some patients report that, can veins get worse after sclerotherapy?

 When a sclerosant medication is injected into spider veins, it essentially turns them into hard scar tissue that can be very visible under the skin. This way, your spider veins will look black and bad after sclerotherapy. But your body will gradually metabolize the scar tissue, and the spider veins will disappear from the skin's surface within three weeks. In this way, spider veins will turn black before disappearing completely.


When blood clots block veins

What Happens When Blood Clots Block Veins? If you have blood clots in your veins, you should see a doctor.

It can cause blockages, especially in your legs, lungs, or brain. If not treated promptly with anticoagulants (blood thinners) or corrective surgery, severe blood clots can be deadly.

Consult with your healthcare provider if you have Blood Clots Block Veins symptoms.


Time for spider veins to disappear after laser treatment. For several hours, you might see redness and scars on your skin. You might notice results for small spider veins, but larger ones will become less visible over several weeks. Remember that you may need multiple sessions to remove spider veins completely.

You can ask your healthcare provider about the different treatments available. However, keep in mind that varicose veins can reoccur even after treatment. Discuss your therapy options with your provider.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Varicose Veins: Treatments And Cost.

 Varicose veins occur when a vein in your legs, arms, or another part of the body becomes enlarged with blood. They typically appear as raised, misshapen veins that often have a bluish hue to them, and they are often painful. This occurs when a vein is not functioning properly and the valve in the vein fails to prevent blood from flowing backward. The blood then collects in your vein, causing the swelling. Such conditions require varicose vein treatment from a vein doctor near me.

The first course of action generally recommended to patients with varicose veins is a change of lifestyle that includes avoiding standing for long periods of time, losing weight, exercising to improve circulation and the use of compression socks or stockings.


If lifestyle changes don't help to alter the condition, your doctor may recommend minimally invasive surgery options that include:

Sclerotherapy- professionals use the chemical solution or foam to inject directly to the affected veins to close the larger veins. After the closure, the veins disappear, slowly and gradually.  

Cost: The minimal price of sclerotherapy is $350. This usually entails the doctor's consultation fee and compression stockings.

Microsclerotherapy- Doctors use chemical injections to close off the smaller veins.

Cost: Each treatment costs $580, with a $90 rebate from medicare, per treatment.

Laser Surgery:  This method is based on a heat transmission technique to treat diseased veins. 

Cost: The mediocre expense for laser vein treatment for leg veins is $443

Endovenous Ablation Therapy: This treatment method encompasses heat and radio waves to close off the veins. 

Cost:  EVLT value may lie between $600 to $3,000, according to the total number of veins that need to be treated.

High Ligation and Vein Stripping: This method involves the process of tying off a vein before it connects deep veins. A vein specialist near me makes tiny incisions to pull out diseased veins through them.  

Cost: The cost of vein stripping surgery extends from $1,500 to $3,000 along with the professional fee charged by the hospital.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy: This method includes a series of small punctures in your skin to treat them. 

Cost: An ambulatory phlebectomy can value between $2,000 to $5,000.


Endoscopic Vein Surgery: A tiny tube is inserted through a tiny incision to block the affected veins surgically. 

In some cases, untreated varicose veins can lead to ulcers, blood clots, or chronic inflammation. In severe cases, your veins could actually rupture. If you notice unsightly veins or if you have painful swelling, consult your physician for a treatment plan.

Varicose veins are often twisted, bulging and purple, and can be painful if inflammation sets in. There are a number of remedies your doctor can recommend that basically close the vein down so that blood can be transferred through surrounding veins.

Side effects from early treatment are generally minimal and dissipate quickly. Depending on the treatment recommended, you may experience bruising, redness, and/or swelling, but most patients are back on their feet the same day of the procedure, although bruising or swelling may last a few days or even weeks.

Friday, November 12, 2021



You are thinking about taking the vein treatment. You need to remove your varicose veins as they are not looking in the best condition. Because of this, you are not in the position of wearing something short. However, you are confused about the things that are happening; hence, you are afraid to take the other ways out. Keep reading this article to know more about this vein treatment San Jose.


  • What does vein doctor San Diego do before vein treatment?

The vein specialist in San Diego does the physical examination. He will also ask about the family's medical history. These two approaches may help him decide which vein therapy is perfect for you as a patient. In computing, the dermatologist will find the information needed for your cure. He will consider how the blood flows in your veins. He may demand that you undergo imaging scans such as the other required treatments.

  • After Vein Treatment at the vein doctor San Jose

Most patients can continue to the regular schedule once the procedures are done. However, you want to see to it that you are concerned about the things that have been taught. You may be told to wear compression stockings or take the help of the vein clinic California. You need to also elevate the operated spot every time.

Likewise, you will be given specific ways of walking. Lying in bed all day is not required. This may result in some sort of side effects. The vein doctor San Jose will notify you on how many times you should go walking and for how long you must do it. Some healthcare professionals might ask you to be physically active for around 15 min every day.


  • How visiting the vein centre in California can end your suffering?

Should you be used to carrying out strenuous exercises every day, you should consider stopping it and wait until the dermatologist tells you to do so. Refrain from going outdoors for two weeks as well to stop the appearance of dark spots right on the skin where the operation happened.

Do not be scared of soreness for the entire first week because the treated vein is downsizing and setting out to close. You may also see redness on the spot and feel the heat. Again, never worry because irritation and bruising are expected. You may put on the cold pack to the inner thigh. Your doctor may also prescribe you some medicines to relieve you of the pain. You may eliminate the stitches two days after the process.

Your vein specialist may schedule another ultrasound for you. This is to check if vein closure happens and if you require another treatment. As the healing process comes about, you may see dry skin. This is good news because this only implies that new skin is regenerating. In case your temperature rise to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or you notice strange swelling, call the vein office immediately.

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Vein Treatment: Is VNUS ClosureFast Effective To Get Rid Of The Varicose Veins.

 People who suffer from varicose veins, hesitate to enjoy outside life, instead, they prefer to live inside the home. It is so because varicose veins’ unsightly appearance makes them self-conscious about their physical appearance. Therefore they are forced to hide indoors. It is fortunate that they don’t have to live with them any longer as there is a wide range of treatments available to treat venous disorders. If you want to get rid of them efficiently, visit vein clinic Texas to achieve your expectations. 


However, varicose veins are a very common issue, often noticed by people. Since the varicose veins don’t cause any serious problems, people avoid seeking vein treatment Texas at vein clinic TX.  When visiting these clinics, you will get to know about the treatment options offered by them and may recommend the most appropriate method for you.  

One important thing to remember while seeking the treatment is to inquire about the treatment process in detail. It will help you to know all the pros and cons of the treatment. 

Vein Treatment:

VNUS ClosureFast:

This method is very effective to deal with abnormal veins as it produces rapid results with excellent cosmetic outcomes. The treatment is conducted under local anesthesia. The treatment is highly cost-effective as the charges of this method are minimal. The method is performed under ultrasound guidance. The ultrasound helps to determine whether you are a good candidate for the treatment or not. 


Your vein specialist TX, firstly, numbs the affected area with the help of a local anesthetic. Then, he/she cleans the area using an antiseptic solution. After that, he/she inserts a fine needle into the refluxing veins under the administration of ultrasound. A tiny tube, known as a catheter is passed into the veins. The little microwave’s energy seals the veins instantly and the tube is withdrawn along with the damaged vein. The whole process is conducted under the supervision of ultrasound at vein center Houston

After the procedure, your vein doctor Houston tx will recommend a compression stocking to be worn for seven days constantly. You will have to wear them about twenty-two hours a day to maximize the effects of the treatment. However, there is no guarantee that you won’t suffer from venous disorders again.  But you can avoid them by adopting some of the essential prevention measures such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, maintaining healthy body weight, avoiding being in the same body state for longer periods, etc.

Additionally, most people will be able to resume their daily activities just after the treatment. If you have leg pain, painkillers may be recommended including paracetamol and ibuprofen.  

With the VNUS ClosureFast treatment, faulty vein valves are sealed using local anesthetic without involving any surgery. The treated veins make your legs’ appearance not only but the results are very quick. Key features:


  • Treatment is finished in less than two hours
  • It is conducted under the local anesthetic.
  • It does not involve painful cuts or scars in the groin
  • No requirements for painful stripping.
  • Quick results
  • Outstanding cosmetic results with no ugly scars
  • Low risk of their reoccurrence. 

The whole procedure is conducted under the guidance of ultrasound equipment to become sure that you will get successful results of the procedure. Since there are no surgical cuts, you won’t need to worry about the infections as they are noticed after the traditional mode of treatments.  

Monday, November 1, 2021

Vein Treatment: Are Females More Conscious About These Abnormal Veins?

 Females are always conscious about their overall physical appearance. Since they love to carry on short dresses, they can’t bear the ugly veins over the skin surface of the legs. Moreover, they won’t be able to flaunt the beauty of their legs. Particular female dresses like skirts and pants are designed to complement their legs. And if they will have varicose veins over there, they might have to hide them either with the help of makeup or wearing unwanted long dresses. Consult with vein doctor Texas to determine the suitable approach of treatment. 


When a woman suffers from varicose or spider veins, the growth of the abnormal veins can cause damage to their self-esteem. Since she is used to flaunting her beautiful legs, the growth of varicose veins may force them to hide their beautiful legs under the clothing. 

However, women suffering from such conditions have the option of getting medicinal injections or laser treatment to get rid of them permanently. Make an appointment with vein specialist Texas to relieve these unsightly veins. 

What are varicose and spider veins, anyway? 

Varicose or spider veins are caused due to the placement of extra blood pressure in the legs for a longer time period. The extra pressure obstructs the blood flow through the veins, as a result, veins start getting inflamed in order to pool blood inside them.  Consult only at an authorized vein clinic TX to have the appropriate treatment, 

Major Causes:

The weight gain and usage of wrong footwear can exaggerate the venous disorder. However, high heels are considered a wonderful fashion statement, but they may cause faulty blood circulation through the veins. The possibilities may increase if a woman is constantly walking with them. Such cases require treatment at vein center TX.

Another thing that causes the development of varicose veins, is physical inactivity for long periods of time. If a woman does not take a pause during desk work, she will more likely suffer from varicose veins. In order to avoid such cases, she should keep walking between the working periods to improve circulation. Therefore, she should follow some essential preventive measures to avoid the growth of abnormal veins. 

Treatment With Compression Stockings:

When females have varicose veins causing discomfort, heaviness, or achiness, they may require medical treatments. Initially, the professionals recommend compression stockings in order to suppress their abnormal growth.    

Compression stockings are specially designed garments to enhance blood circulation in the legs. They comprise a special kind of element of stretched fabrics that help to put pressure on the legs. The compression delivered by these special stockings helps to maintain the healthy blood flow preventing it from pooling or clogging. Blood Pooling or clogging can result in weak veins. 

How to choose the right type of compression stockings?

Compression stockings are available in a wide range of strengths to deliver a different amount of compression to reduce the inflammation of the leg area. The strength of compression is generally measured in the mmHg(millimeters of mercury). There are generally four compression levels to consider, such as;

Guide to Compression Stockings:

Mild Compression (8-15 mmHg): 

Useful for mild varicose veins and help maintain healthy legs. 

Makes you relieve minor swelling in the lower legs.

Moderate Compression (15-20 mmHg):

Provide relief from minor-moderate varicose or spider veins.

Make you relieve tired and aching legs.

Dressed in a long-haul trip to help protect from deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Firm Compression (20-30 mmHg):

Offer relief from moderate/severe varicose veins.

Also recommended to the patients with leg ulcers associated with the varicose veins.


Extra Firm Compression (30-40 mmHg):

Offer the strongest compression, perfectly designed for severe vein problems. 

Offer relief to the patient who has extensively severe varicose veins. 

Compression Stockings vs Surgery:

Compression stockings are helpful to ease the symptoms of varicose veins, but they can’t cure them. If you want to get rid of them permanently, look for surgical treatment which is known as vein stripping. This method helps to remove varicose veins through incisions. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Why Choose the Vein Center in Clifton?

 Having a varicose vein issue dealt with is generally a cosmetic process. Many individuals essentially don’t care for the unattractive appearance of the blue lines on their legs and feet, so they have them dealt with. Assuming you need to have your varicose vein issue settled. 

Earlier, the disease of varicose veins was said to be a disease that cannot be treated. As a consequence, it is nowadays possible to treat varicose veins with the use of modern, latest, and specialized technology. With more ease and comfort without having any major issues. 


This disease is not caused by anything, it is hereditary that one has inherited from its parents. Due to this the valves in the veins get weaken resulting in the inadequate circulation of blood. This disease takes place after the age of 50 years of an individual. Perfect exercise, a healthy diet, and choice in lifestyle options are the primary prevention of such a disease. 

How does vein center Clifton performs treatment?

The vein center Clifton provides treatment for varicose veins by making employment of modern technology to be operated by specialist clinicians. These clinicians are not only experts in the field of cardiology, but also have the required knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases. Sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy, radiofrequency ablation, laser ablation are the different ways of treatment of varicose veins. This treatment is provided to the patients comfortably and effectively. 

What are the facilities provided by vein clinics?

Several facilities were provided by the vein clinic Clifton. Some of them are listed below:

  • The team of vein specialist Clifton or clinicians is highly experienced and proficient in the outstanding treatment of veins and various diseases. 
  • One of the best surgeons in the world has been appointed to make invasive treatment of varicose veins by making use of the latest laser technology. 
  • Maximized operations are performed using local anesthetics. 
  • Individual attention and care to every patient with the required medication for the venous disease. 
  • Specialized ultrasound technicians. 
  • High quality, protection, and hygienic environment. 
  • Full range of treatments available.
  • Fixed price treatments are available.
  • All health insurance plans are acceptable. 


Why vein treatment centers are best?

The vein treatment Clifton has a huge reputation for performing excellent surgical treatment of invasive varicose veins. Moreover, surgeons across the world come to take training for doing surgery for excellence. These centers provide the best of their services. Their primary objective is diagnosing and making treatment for your varicose veins. They do not work with the objective of profit maximization. Several campaigns are run out to keep the price low and easily affordable for everyone. Vein doctor Clifton treats you in such a way so that you need not stay in the hospital and can back to your normal routine immediately. 

To minimize the effect of varicose veins, it is necessary to reduce your weight. Thus it can be concluded that the vein center is the best choice for invasive treatment of varicose veins. 

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