Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sclerotherapy of varicose veins and spider veins

Sclerotherapy uses very fine Spider vein injections to improve the appearance of varicosities, treat leg varicose veins and relieve associated symptoms such as pain, burning, swelling and cramps.

Each treatment usually results in the removal of 50 to 80% of the veins injected.

Talk to your doctor if you may be pregnant and find out about recent illnesses, medical conditions, allergies and medications you are taking, including herbal supplements and aspirin. You may be advised to stop taking aspirin, no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), iron supplements or blood thinners several days before your surgery. Do not apply cream on the legs before or after sclerotherapy. Leave the jewelry at home and wear loose and comfortable clothes. Because one might ask you to put on a dress, you may want to bring shorts to wear during the procedure.

leg vein problems

What is the sclerotherapy of varicose veins?

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment used to treat varicose veins and spider veins. During the procedure, a solution is injected directly into the affected veins, which causes them to shrink and eventually disappear. Also check Best laser for spider veins

What are the common uses of this procedure?
  • Also, talk to your doctor about recent illnesses or other health problems.
  • Talk to your doctor about any antibiotics you may be taking or ask for safety instructions to stop these medications.
  • For the exam, you must wear loose and comfortable clothes. You may receive a dress to wear during the procedure.
How is the procedure?

When the sclerosing solution is injected directly into varicose veins or spider veins, it irritates the vein layer, causing it to swell and stick. Over time, the vessel becomes a scar tissue that disappears from view.

How does the procedure take place?

However, some patients may require hospitalization after the procedure. Please consult your doctor to find out if you will be admitted or not.

Using a thin needle, the interventional radiologist injects the solvent solution containing veins into varicose veins and spider veins. As you go through the procedure, you will feel small needle punctures and possibly a slight burning sensation. The number of veins treated during a session varies and depends on the size and site of the veins. The procedure is usually completed in 30 to 45 minutes.

What will I live during and after the procedure?

You may experience cramping for one to two minutes when the solution is injected into larger veins. After treatment, you will receive instructions for using support stockings or wraps to "compress" the treated blood vessels. You may experience some side effects after sclerotherapy. Larger varicose veins that have been injected can become bulky and / or hard for several months before disappearing. Elevated red areas may appear at injection sites and should disappear after a few days. Brown lines or spots are sometimes seen at injection sites. In most cases, they disappear after three to six months, but can be permanent in five percent of cases. There may be bruising around the injection site that lasts several days or even weeks.

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